On Saturday 4 November our MA Art History students will be meeting in London for the annual MA study day
On 3 November, Kathleen Christian will speak at a symposium in Berlin in honour of Arnold Nesselrath, Il catalogo universale, considering the role of the catalogue entry. Speakers include Neil MacGregor and Horst Bredekamp.
We are pleased to announce the publication of this new monograph by Leon Wainwright (Reader in Art History, OU). The book grants new attention to contemporary black British art, exploring its critical and social significance through attention to embodied experience, affectivity, the senses and perception.
A major new anthology of material edited by Leon Wainwright (OU) and Kitty Zijlmans (Leiden), published this year by Manchester University Press, presents the contemporary perspectives on the challenges facing Caribbean communities and shows how the arts can play a crucial role in improving sustainability through a shared ground of experience, enjoyment and understanding.
Leon Wainwright announces his new book publication in the multidisciplinary field of creativity, memory and difficult histories.
This themed issue of the Open Arts Journal, ‘Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’, brings together academics, artists, curators and policymakers from various countries in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean and their diasporas, the UK and the Netherlands.
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