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Open Discussion Papers in Economics

Titles available in the series (latest first)

Number 81 - Housing, Happiness and Capabilities: A Summary of the International Evidence and Models
Dermot Coates, Paul Anand and Michelle Norris, April 2015

Number 80 - Capabilities and Marginalised Communities: The Case of the Indigenous Ethnic Minority Traveller Community and Housing in Ireland
Dermot Coates, Paul Anand and Michelle Norris, April 2015

Number 79 - Costing a feminist plan for a caring economy: the case of free universal childcare in the UK
Jerome de-Henau, November 2015

Number 78 - A Capabilities Approach to Housing and Quality of Life: The Evidence from Germany
Dermot Coates, Paul Anand, and Michelle Norris, May 2015

Number 77 - Wellbeing Over 50: A Capabilities Approach
Paul Anand, Ranjeeta Thomas and Alastair Gray, August 2012

Number 76 - Classical macrodynamics and the labor theory of value
Ian Wright, March 2011

Number 75 - Convergence to natural prices in simple production
Ian Wright, March 2011

Number 74 - Change, Choice and Cash in Social Care Policies: Some Lessons from Comparing Childcare and Elder Care
Sue Himmelweit and Hilary Land, August 2010

Number 73 - Gender incidence analysis of indirect taxes in the UK
Cristina Santos, January 2009

Number 72 - Agency and discourse: revisiting the Adam Smith problem
Vivienne Brown, August 2008

Number 71 - Estimating individual total costs of domestic violence
Cristina Santos, March 2012

Number 70 - Impact of SME Policies on Innovation: The Turkish Case
Elif Bascavusoglu-Moreau, February 2008

Number 69 - Nonstandard labour values
Ian Wright, November 2007

Number 68 - Modelling Bourdieu: An Extension of The Axelrod Cultural Diffusion model
Andrew B Trigg, Andrew J.Bertie and Susan F Himmelweit, January 2008

Number 67 - The Measurement of Capabilities
Paul Anand, Cristina Santos and Ron Smith, November 2007

Number 66 - Struggle over the pie? The gendered distribution of power and subjective financial well-being within UK households
Jerome De Henau and Susan Himmelweit, October 2007

Number 65 - Investigating the Desperate Housewives: Using gender-role attitudes to explain women's employment decisions in twenty-three European countries
Jerome De Henau, October 2007

Number 64 - Planning and Market Regulation: Strengths, Weaknesses and Interactions in the Provision of Less Inequitable and Better Quality Health Care
Maureen Mackintosh, October 2007
See also Working Paper 20 in the IKD Working Paper Series/.

Number 63 - Firm Growth Dynamics under Different Knowledge Regimes: the Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Pelin Demirel and Mariana Mazzucato, September 2007

Number 62 - Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers in Developing Countries
Elif Bascavusoglu, July 2007

Number 61 - Wage Bargaining in an Optimal Control Framework: A Dynamic Version of the Right-to-Manage Model
Marco Guerrazzi, June 2007

Number 60 - Temporary Work in Tuscany: a Multinomial Nested Logit Analysis
Lorenzo Corsini (Pisa University) and Marco Guerrazzi (Pisa University), May 2007

Number 59 - Prices of Production are Proportional to Real Costs
Ian Wright, January 2007

Number 58 - Revisiting the age-happiness profile: Estimating age, period and cohort effects
Cristina Santos, September 2011

Number 57 - Innovation and Firm Growth in High-Tech Sectors: A Quantile Regression Approach
Alex Coad (CES-Matisse) and Rekha Rao (LEM), January 2007

Number 56 - Violent Crime, Gender Inequalities and Well-Being: Models based on a Survey of Individual Capabilities and Crime Rates for England and Wales
Paul Anand and Cristina Santos, January 2007

Number 55 - Stock Price Volatility and Patent Citation Dynamics: the case of the pharmaceutical industry (previous version: December 2006)
Mariana Mazzucato and Massimiliano Tanconi, September 2007
See also Working Paper 19 in the IKD Working Paper Series.

Number 54 - Does International Trade Transfer Technology to Emerging Countries? A Patent Citation Analysis
Elif Bascavusoglu, August 2006
See also Working Paper 14 in the IKD Working Paper Series.

Number 53 - Measuring Human Capabilities (previously entitled 'The Development of Capability Indicators and their Relation of Life Satisfaction', released in September 2005)
Paul Anand, Graham Hunter, Ian Carter, Keith Dowding, Francesco Guala, Martin van Hees, January 2007

Number 52 - Creating Competition? Globalisation and the emergence of new technology producers
Suma Athreye and John Cantwell, October 2005

Number 51 - Industrial Concentration in a Liberalising Economy: a Study of Indian Manufacturing
Suma Athreye and Sandeep Kapur, October 2004

Number 50 - Innovation and Idiosyncratic Risk: an Industry & Firm Level Analysis
Mariana Mazzucato and Massimiliano Tancioni, November 2005
See also Working Paper 7 in the IKD Working Paper Series.

Number 49 - Taking risks with ethical principles: a critical examination of the ethics of 'ethical investment'
Graham Dawson, November 2004

Number 48 - Entry, Competence-Destroying Innovations, volatility and growth: Lessons from different industries
Mariana Mazzucato, June 2004

Number 47 - Capabilities and Wellbeing: Evidence Based on the Sen-Nussbaum Approach to Welfare
Paul Anand, Graham Hunter and Ron Smith, January 2004

Number 46 - Pasinetti, Keynes and the principle of Effective Demand
Andrew B Trigg and Frederic S Lee, June 2003

Number 45 - The Integration of Claims to Health-Care: a Programming Approach
Paul Anand, November 2002

Number 44 - Social Choice, Health and Fairness
Paul Anand, September 2002

Number 43 - Learning and the Sources of Corporate Growth
Mariana Mazzucato and P A Geroski, June 2001

Number 42 - Making visible the hidden economy: the case for gender impact analysis of economic policy
Susan Himmelweit, August 2001

Number 41 - Risk, Variety and Volatility in the Early Auto and PC Industry
Mariana Mazzucato, March 2003

Number 40 - Surplus Value and the Kalecki Principle in Marx's Reproduction Schema
Andrew B Trigg, March 2001

Number 39 - The Determinants of Stock Price Volatility: An Industry Study
Mariana Mazzucato and Willi Semmler, February 2001

Number 38 - Advertising and the Evolution of Market Structure in the US Car Industry during the Post-War Period
Mariana Mazzucato and P A Geroski, January 2001
temporarily and mistakenly withdrawn and reinstated, without further changes, on April 2008

Number 37 - Modelling the Dynamics of Industry Populations
Mariana Mazzucato and P A Geroski, January 2001

Number 36 - Inequality and redistribution: analytical and empirical issues for developmental social policy
Maureen Mackintosh, March 2001

Number 35 - Externalities and the UK Regional Divide in Innovative Behaviour
Suma Athreye and David Keeble, January 2001

Number 34 - Markets and Feminisms
Graham Dawson, January 2001

Number 33 - Specialised Markets and the Behaviour of Firms: Evidence from the UK's Regional Economies
Suma Athreye and David Keeble, January 2001

Number 32 - Evolution of Markets in the Software Industry
Suma Athreye, January 2001

Number 31 - The Evolution of the UK software market: scale of demand and the role of competencies
Suma Athreye, September 2000

Number 30 - Sources of Increasing Returns and Regional Innovation in the UK
Suma Athreye and David Keeble, January 2001

Number 29 - Agglomeration and Growth: A Study of the Cambridge Hi-Tech Cluster
Suma Athreye, December 2000

Number 28 - Alternative rationalities, or why do economists become parents?
Susan Himmelweit, December 2000

Number 27 - Procedural Fairness in Economic and Social Choice: Evidence from a Survey of Voters
Paul Anand, December 2000

Number 26 - Social Norms, Occupational Groups and Income Tax Evasion: A Survey In The UK Construction Industry
Maria Sigala, November 2000

Number 25 - Edwards Revised: Technical Control and Call Centres
George Callaghan and Paul Thompson, November 2000

Number 24 - Surplus Value and the Keynesian Multiplier
Andrew B Trigg, October 2000

Number 23 - Sustainable redistribution with health care markets? Rethinking regulatory intervention in the Tanzanian context
Maureen Mackintosh and Paula Tibandebage, November 2000

Number 22 - A disorderly household - voicing the noise
Judith Mehta, October 2000

Number 21 - Entrepreneurship by Alliance
Judith Mehta and Barbara Krug, September 2000

Number 20 - Selling pollution and safeguarding lives: international justice, emissions trading and the Kyoto Protocol
Graham Dawson, October 2000

Number 19 - Non-market relationships in health care
Maureen Mackintosh and Lucy Gilson, January 2000

Number 18 - The Effect of Idiosyncratic Events on the Feedback between Firm Size and Innovation
Mariana Mazzucato, January 2000

Number 17 - Veblen, Bourdieu and Conspicuous Consumption
Andrew B Trigg, January 2000

Number 16 - Doing 'Qualitative Research' in Economics: Two Examples and Some Reflections
Elizabeth Hill and Gabrielle Meagher, November 1999

Number 15 - Proceeding to the Paddling Pool: The Selection and Shaping of Call Centre Labour
George Callaghan and Paul Thompson, January 2000

Number 14 - Utilities vs. Rights to Publicly Provided Goods: Arguments and Evidence from Health-Care Rationing
Paul Anand and Allan Wailoo, January 2000

Number 13 - Technical Change and Firm Growth: 'Creative Destruction' in the Fortune List, 1963-1987
Roberto Simonetti, February 1996

Number 12 - The Determinants of Product and Process Innovations
Roberto Simonetti, Daniele Archibugi, Rinaldo Evangelista, February 1996

Number 11 - The Origin of the Poverty Line
Alan Gillie, December 1995

Number 10 - What is a Fair Wage? A Critique of the Concept of the Value of Labour-Power
Susan Himmelweit, December 1995

Number 9 - Putting Words into People's Mouths? Economic Culture and its Implications for Local Government
Maureen Mackintosh, December 1995

Number 8 - Residential Summer Schools Attendance and Students' Assessed Performances on Open University Foundation Courses
Alan Gillie and Alan Woodley, June 1995

Number 7 - Exit, Voice and Values in Economic Institutions
Graham Dawson, June 1995

Number 6 - The Discovery of 'Unpaid Work': the social consequences of the expansion of 'work'
Susan Himmelweit, June 1995

Number 5 - Testing the Small Country Hypothesis for Developing Countries
Jonathan Perraton, December 1994

Number 4 - Foreign Investment, Globalisation and International Economic Governance
Grahame Thompson, May 1994

Number 3 - A conflict model, with rational expectations, of the disinflation of the early 1980s
Graham Dawson, February 1994

Number 2 - Scarcity and stability in a very simple general equilibrium model
Vivienne Brown, February 1994

Number 1 - Valuing the environmental impacts of open cast coalmining: the case of the Trent Valley in North Staffordshire
Andrew B Trigg and W Richard Dubourg, June 1993

Printed copies may be obtained from

Department of Economics
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Email:  FASS-PPEDG-Economics@open.ac.uk